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Friendships Shaped by a Pair of Scissors
Since 2014, Backalley Barbers has been offering free haircuts in Geylang, Singapore, for impoverished persons in nursing homes, migrant worker shelters, and rental communities. Young volunteers learn basic hair cutting skills from professionals, and then offer these skills to community members who cannot afford a haircut. The conversations that take place in the process lead to lasting friendships... posted on Nov 14 2020, 1,752 reads


Julian of Norwich: Wisdom for a Time of Pandemic & Beyond
"A time of crisis and chaos, the kind that a pandemic brings, is, among other things, a time to call on our ancestors for their deep wisdom. Not just knowledge but true wisdom is needed in a time of death and profound change, for at such times we are beckoned not simply to return to the immediate past, that which we remember fondly as the normal, but to reimagine a new future, a renewed humanity, ... posted on Nov 13 2020, 10,596 reads


Re-Inventing Work: An Interview with Matthew Fox
An Episcopalian priest and theologian, Matthew Fox began his career as a member of the Dominican Order of the Catholic Church but was expelled in 1993 by Cardinal Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI. Among Foxs teachings the Catholic hierarchy found most objectionable was his belief in original blessing, which became the title of one of his most popular books. The concept was in direct c... posted on Nov 12 2020, 28,726 reads


Heroines of Health
This moving documentary by Lisa Russell shares "three of the many untold stories that hold the key to unlocking better health for more people around the world." The three women, one a medical doctor and teacher from India, another a midwife assistant from Indonesia, and the third the director of a community health center in Kenya, though worlds apart, share a common journey to bring hope to women ... posted on Nov 11 2020, 2,042 reads


Two Words That Can Change a Life
"As I walked into the parking lot, I spotted the woman returning her shopping cart, and I remembered something in my purse that could help her in a different but hopefully profound way. It wasn't a handful of cash or a lead on a job for her husband, but maybe -- just maybe -- it would make her life better. My heart pounded as I approached the woman. "Excuse me," I said, my voice trembling a bit. "... posted on Nov 10 2020, 106,294 reads


The Gentle Art of Blessing
"On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth, for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited good that is embedded in the very texture of the universe and awaiting each and all." Pierre Pradervand is the author of 'The Gentle Art of Blessing: A Simple Practice That Will Transform You and Your World.' He posits that making the conscious cho... posted on Nov 09 2020, 10,673 reads


What Is Compassion?
"Compassion literally means to suffer together. Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with anothers suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering." We are living in a time where a deep understanding of, and value for, compassion is more critical than ever. More from Dachner Keltner on the evolutionary roots of compassion here.... posted on Nov 08 2020, 7,121 reads


The Conviction of Belonging: An Update
Recently DailyGood featured "I Am Everybody," an inspiring post by author Phyllis Cole-Dai, in which she shared the story of her 'signature' red coat, that over the years has been autographed by hundreds of strangers. This one-of-a-kind coat is an emblem of our profound interconnections, and Phyllis invited readers to write her if they wanted their names added to the mix. The flood of responses sh... posted on Nov 07 2020, 4,963 reads


Moving Across Political Divides Post-Election
Joan Blades is an "accidental activist" at the forefront of movements that have shaped American culture and politics. Through her various endeavors Blades has experientially acted upon an insight about the power of ordinary people driving change. She is the co-founder of, and another remarkable initiative called Living Room Conversations. In this timely video, she and her collaborator M... posted on Nov 06 2020, 2,244 reads


Deepening Our Comfort With Uncertainty
"In our daily lives, there are endless forms of uncertainty far more things we cannot know than know. Objectively, this could be cause for great delight, wonder, and surrender. We could be relieved and appreciative that we do not have to perpetually hold onto the steering wheel, captain the ship, drive our lives. There is much to discover that can surprise us, so much to which we can gratefully y... posted on Nov 05 2020, 23,127 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Joy is an act of rebellion. And so is allowing ourselves to feel our grief.
Octavia Raheem

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